The Economic Might of Maricopa County

Maricopa County is the most populous county in Arizona and the state's largest county economy. Learn more about its key industries, international culture, sports teams, transportation options, and research facilities.

The Economic Might of Maricopa County

Maricopa County is the most populous county in Arizona, with more than 4.4 million inhabitants. It is also the state's largest county economy, with major industries such as high-tech, manufacturing, and financial services. Maricopa County is home to a variety of international grocery stores and restaurants, as well as places of worship for many religions and regions. Schools in the area offer language immersion programs in Spanish, Mandarin, French, and Russian.

These six key industries are essential for the successful operation of many other industries: Estrella Sailport, glider training facilities, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, Pinal Energy's ethanol plant, residential solar energy applications, and the Gin Site. The Gin Site is expected to be the central hub of Maricopa's activity in the next decade. It will be a mixed-use, transit-oriented development with transportation and entertainment options. Maricopa is also home to several farms and dairy farms, as well as two important research institutions that carry out research in agricultural sciences, water conservation and management, and food production and safety.

Maricopa County has a professional team in every major sports league and hosts 15 MLB teams for spring training each year. Amtrak's Orlando-Los Angeles Sunset Limited company has a scheduled stop in Maricopa, making it the only stop in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Several interesting projects have been completed in Maricopa to better position the city and attract new businesses and employers. Maricopa County is the political and economic powerhouse of Arizona.

It has a thriving group of local agro-technology companies and research facilities that make it an attractive place for businesses to locate. With its key industries, international culture, sports teams, transportation options, and research facilities, Maricopa County is an economic force to be reckoned with.

Quentin Cloward
Quentin Cloward

Devoted beer lover. Professional zombie scholar. Lifelong coffee fan. Unapologetic zombie guru. Typical food junkie.